Food and nutraceuticals

Maca Extract

Products obtained from the root of Lepidium meyenii contain macaides, macaenes, amides, terpenoids, alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, potassium, calcium, sodium, vitamin C and B vitamins.

It is considered a vasodilator. Helps relieve menstrual cramps and some symptoms of menopause. Regulates hormones that affect the endocrine system. Helps to reduce inflammations.

Native to the Peruvian and Bolivian mountains. They grow at more than 3,500 meters of altitude. It is estimated to have been used by the Incas since about 4,000 years BC. Considered a luxurious and precious food reserved for warriors and royalty.

Format: 25, 190, 900 Kg

Origin: Africa

Minimum order: 50 kg


Maca 10:1 organic


Maca 4:1 organic

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