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Moringa, the tree of life

Moringa, known as Moringa oleifera, is a tree whose origin is located in the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa and Asia. It is well known for its impressive health benefits. It is called Moringa, the tree of life because it has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. Currently it is also gaining great popularity for all its properties. It has a high nutritional richness, as well as therapeutic properties, and we provide details about its consumption and applications in the industry of this renowned product.

Moringa Nutritional Composition

Moringa is an extraordinary superfood that provides a wide range of essential nutrients to maintain optimal health. Incorporating moringa into the diet can help supplement nutritional deficiencies and improve overall well-being . Its main nutritional components are described below:


  • Vitamin A (Beta-carotene): improves eye health, strengthens the immune system and promotes cell growth and development.
  • Vitamin C: is a potent antioxidant that protects against cell damage, improves immune function and aids in iron absorption.
  • Vitamin E: which acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from oxidative damage, and improves skin health.


  • Calcium: Essential for bone and dental health, muscle function and blood coagulation.
  • Potassium: Regulates fluid balance, muscle contraction and nerve function.
  • Iron: Fundamental for the production of hemoglobin and the transport of oxygen in the blood.
  • Magnesium: Supports muscle and nerve function, energy production and bone health.
  • Zinc: Important for immune function, DNA synthesis and wound healing.

Proteins from Essential Amino Acids:

Necessary for protein synthesis, growth and tissue repair.


  • Polyphenols: Reduce inflammation and protect against cell damage and chronic diseases.
  • Flavonoids: Act as antioxidants, improving cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of cancer.
  • Ascorbic Acid: Strengthens the immune system and improves the absorption of non-heme iron.

Fiber (dietary):  

It improves digestion, regulates blood sugar levels and helps in weight management.

Therapeutic Properties of Moringa

Moringa is valued for its numerous therapeutic properties ranging from nutrition to medicine. Rich in essential nutrients and bioactive compounds, it offers antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and blood sugar regulating benefits. These properties make it a valuable natural resource for improving health and preventing disease . Here is a record of its main properties:

  • Antioxidant: Protects cells from oxidative damage thanks to compounds such as quercetin and chlorogenic acid.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Helps reduce inflammation due to the presence of isothiocyanates and flavonoids.
  • Antibacterial and antifungal: Fights infections thanks to its antimicrobial properties.
  • Blood sugar regulator: It can improve blood sugar levels, useful for people with diabetes.
  • Heart protective: Helps reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, promoting cardiovascular health.
  • Improves digestion: Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties can promote better digestion and prevent gastric problems.
  • Stimulates the immune system: It strengthens the immune system thanks to its high content of vitamins and antioxidants.
  • Promotes healthy skin and hair: Applied topically or ingested, it improves skin health and strengthens hair.
  • Anti-cancer properties: Some studies suggest that moringa compounds may have protective effects against certain types of cancer.
  • Rich in nutrients: Contains vitamins (A, C, E), minerals (calcium, potassium, iron), and proteins.

These properties make moringa a valuable dietary supplement and a potential natural treatment for various health conditions.

How Moringa is consumed

Moringa can be consumed in several ways:

  • Powdered: The dried leaves are ground and the resulting powder can be added to smoothies, juices, soups and salads.
  • In capsules: Available as dietary supplements, they offer a convenient way to consume moringa.
  • As fresh leaves: Used in salads or cooked like spinach.
  • In tea: The dried leaves are infused to prepare a nutritious tea.

As oil: Extracted from the seeds, it is used in cooking and for cosmetic applications.

Uses of Moringa in the Food and Cosmetic Industry

Moringa has several applications in the food industry:

  • As Nutritional Supplements: Its high nutrient content makes it ideal for dietary supplements.
  • As functional foods: Added to products such as energy bars, beverages and superfood blends.
  • For food fortification: Used to fortify staple foods in regions with nutritional deficiencies, improving public health.

In addition, moringa oil and extracts are highly valued in cosmetics:

  • For skin care: Used in creams and lotions for its moisturizing and antioxidant properties.
  • For Hair Care: Ingredient in shampoos and conditioners that strengthen hair and promote hair growth.
  • As Anti-Aging products: Its antioxidant properties help to reduce the signs of aging.

Moringa Curiosities

Among some of the special characteristics of moringa, we can mention its resilience, being an extremely resistant plant. It is able to grow in poor soils and withstand adverse climatic conditions. It is also a fast growing plant, being one of the fastest growing trees, reaching up to 3 meters in its first year. In addition, moringa seeds can purify turbid water, making it drinkable by eliminating bacteria and other impurities. 

On the other hand, a remarkable fact is its ancestral use, since ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Romans already used it for its medicinal properties. Finally, the sustainability value of this tree should be highlighted, since growing moringa is environmentally friendly as it improves soil fertility and requires little water.

Moringa is a natural treasure with a wide range of health benefits and practical applications. Incorporating it into your diet and personal care routine can transform your well-being. If you want to know more about this ingredient, you can browse the Qomer catalog and ask us directly. We will be happy to share information with you.

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