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Social enterprise: adding value and differentiation

In today's dynamic business landscape, social enterprises are emerging as leaders committed to a purpose beyond financial gain. More than simply pursuing financial growth, these companies are driven by a passion to make a positive difference in society. Why be a social enterprise? Here we share the motivations, challenges and what we value in prioritizing social over commercial interests.

Reasons to become a Social Enterprise

There are many reasons why companies decide to include Social in their structure, strategy and DNA. Here are the most relevant ones:

Direct Impact on Society: Being a social enterprise means having a direct and positive impact on society. By focusing on initiatives that address social issues, these companies actively contribute to building stronger and more sustainable communities.

Attracting Engaged Talent: Employees are looking for more than just a paycheck; they are looking for meaning in their work. Being a social enterprise attracts committed people who want to contribute to a noble cause while advancing their careers and professional work.

Improved Brand Reputation: Social enterprises are perceived as responsible corporate actors. This enhances brand reputation, but also creates a stronger connection with customers, who value social commitment. It is trend-setting.

Long-term Sustainability: Adopting sustainable practices is essential for long-term success. By focusing on social responsibility, social enterprises are paving the way for their own sustainability and that of the world around them.

Qomer social enterprise - communities

The challenges of being a Social Enterprise

But obviously it is not an easy road, the market as such is complex, especially in particular socio-economic times, in addition to the complexity of trying to be social in a competitive environment. Here are the main challenges to be faced:

Financial Challenges: Making a social commitment can sometimes require significant investments, which could affect profit margins. Respecting all sustainability criteria, in addition to being responsible supply chains that place value on fair trade, implies a renunciation. This renunciation is the step towards a more sustainable, equitable and responsible environment . You earn less but you know that you are doing things more responsibly, sharing the benefits with all the participants in the chain, and without exploiting the most vulnerable links.

Managing Expectations: Social enterprises often face high expectations from society. Managing these expectations and maintaining a balance between business and social objectives can be a constant challenge. Being 100% sustainable, responsible and committed is not always easy.
Lack of social responsibility in the marketplace: Being social in a competitive environment does not always receive a positive response. There is a great deal of indifference to social commitment when price is the priority. In this environment, it is difficult to survive. We hope that the social aspect of business will gradually gain more weight, and that it will be understood that growing without letting your environment grow is not in essence sustainable.

What moves us

What drives social enterprises is a shared vision of a better world. The pursuit of a greater purpose, combined with the desire to make a positive impact, motivates companies like us to challenge norms and lead by example. 

Qomer social enterprise - training workshops

That is why social enterprises partner with us, go through certification processes, consulting, or become a Bcorp. It is a movement of people that is transforming the economy to benefit people, communities and the planet. Their vision is towards sustainable business models that share and grow hand in hand, being a model to be followed by others who also want to be transforming axes of the economy.

Q'omer is driven by equity, respect for diversity, respect for the natural environment and for those who use natural resources in a responsible and sustainable way. We are driven by the commitment to build step by step changes that transcend and improve the quality of life of society as a whole.

Therefore, beyond developing responsible ingredient sourcing processes, we also generate training and learning spaces around topics that interest us such as sustainability and the circular economy. We also participate in spaces for reflection and experience sharing such as forums, fairs and seminars.

Obviously there are needs that are not covered by the market, and that the business sector can cover, generating collaborative work spaces where companies consider society as a whole as an ally, not just as a client.

The new trend of Corporate Social Commitment

The new trend of corporate social engagement goes beyond simple charitable donations. It involves the integration of sustainable practices into the value chain, partnerships with non-profit organizations and the adoption of strategies that systematically address social problems.

This new trend brings value to companies in several ways:

From customer loyalty: since the new consumer is more demanding and prefers to support companies with ethical values, which give more credibility and generate greater identification.

Qomer social enterprise - producers

From Innovation and Creativity: because social commitment fosters innovation by challenging companies to find new, creative solutions to today's social challenges. This not only benefits society, but also boosts business growth and competitiveness.

From Business Resilience: as social enterprises demonstrate greater resilience in the face of crises and challenges, as they have a wider support network and a network of committed customers who can potentially support them in complex times.

Being a social enterprise is not only a smart business decision, but also a bold step towards a more sustainable and equitable future. By embracing social commitment, companies contribute to the well-being of society and the world at large. The more companies understand that the future lies in partnership with society and a focus on integral sustainability (social, economic and environmental), the better the planet we will have and leave to future generations.

If you want to know more about what it means to be a social enterprise, do not hesitate to contact us.

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