Cat's claw: a natural, medicinal and miraculous ingredient

Cat's claw is a vine from the tropical rainforests that has been used for medicinal purposes for more than 2000 years. In the Peruvian jungle it has been used as a curative since time immemorial.

There are up to 34 varieties of Uncaria spread throughout Asia, Africa and South America. In this article we talk about Uncaria tomentosa, which is the variety with the best healing and medicinal properties.

This Amazonian plant contains more than 30 active substances that make it a very interesting natural ingredient for our health.

What is cat's claw?

It is a genus of plants among which two species in particular stand out: Uncaria guianensis and Uncaria tomentosa. As we have already mentioned, the second one is the one with more medicinal applications. 

Cat's claw is native to the rainforests of Peru and other tropical areas of South and Central America. It is so popular in these areas that many refer to it as the "Amazonian miracle of herbal medicine".

Cat's claw extract is obtained from the bark and roots of this climbing vine that can reach 30 meters in height.

The origin of its name is easily understood by looking at the shape of the thorns of this climbing plant, which resemble the claws of a cat. They have a hooked shape that characterizes them and are reminiscent of feline claws.

Cat's claw

Uncaria tomentosa is known as 'cat's claw' because of the shape of its spines.

What is the chemical composition of Uncaria tomentosa?

Cat's claw bark contains more than 30 active substances that are perfect for our health, which is why we refer to it as a medicinal plant.

Actually, the most important group of active principles in the composition of cat's claw are the alkaloids. They are present in other plant species, but Uncaria tomentosa has them in abundance.

In fact, most of the content of these active ingredients is usually concentrated in the roots and bark of the plant, hence these parts are used to obtain its well-known extract.

Beyond alkaloids, this medicinal shrub also contains glycosides, tannins, flavonoids, sterol fractions and other compounds. Do you know what function each one has?

  • Glycosides: set of molecules or organic substances present in many vegetables. They are used as medicines in very small doses. Glycosides are a source of energy for any living being and also act as anticoagulants and cementing agents.
  • Tannins: phenolic compounds that usually accumulate in fruits and bark of plants and trees. They are perfect molecules for our health due to their antioxidant properties. They protect tissues and prevent cellular aging caused by free radicals.
  • Flavonoids: there are many types of flavonoids, up to more than 1,000 compounds of different chemical composition. They are present in many vegetables and greens. Sometimes referred to as vitamin P. They are anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer, improving the function of blood vessels.
  • Sterols: substances found naturally in the animal world. They can also be derived from the plant world and, in this case, are known as phytosterols. Sterols or phytosterols maintain the structure and function of the cell membrane.

The bark and roots of cat's claw contain more than 30 active substances.

What are the benefits of cat's claw?

Cat's claw extract has many benefits. It has anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. It has a potent immunostimulant, antiviral and antiradical effect.

Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Natural anti-inflammatory - cat's claw extract is perfect for combating joint problems and treating all types of inflammation. The glycoside content of quinonovic acid makes it a very potent natural anti-inflammatory.
  • Antioxidant effects - cat's claw is full of natural substances that allow us to delay or slow down aging or damage to our body's cells. They neutralize free radicals and stop the chain action they usually initiate, offering a perfect anti-aging treatment.
  • Combats neuronal degeneration - alkaloids help to decrease inflammation in the brain and prevent the deterioration of cognitive and intellectual abilities. In addition, according to a Phytomedicine study, the presence of phytochemicals helps improve our memory and protects our neurons during aging.
  • Stimulates immunity - the consumption of cat's claw extract helps to increase the number of immune cells in our body. In fact, the key is precisely in the combination of the components of cat's claw as a whole. The extracts of the plant are much more effective than each component in isolation.
  • Helps the digestive system - cat's claw extract has been used for many years to relieve stomach or digestive ailments such as gastritis, ulcers and hemorrhoids, among others.
  • Improves circulation - this medicinal herb has been shown to be a vasodilator, which helps to improve blood circulation. Therefore, it is recommended for cases of hypertension, to treat varicose veins or thrombosis. It is imperative that you consult with your doctor before starting a treatment with cat's claw, especially if you are going to use it to treat any previous medical pathology.
  • Relieves chronic pain - you may not have heard it before but cat's claw extract is a perfect natural remedy to relieve pain. It is a perfect medicinal herb for treating bumps, arthritis and many other chronic pains.
  • Antiviral effect - Uncaria tormentosa extract is also used to combat infectious diseases and viruses of all kinds. It has been scientifically proven that the antimicrobial properties of cat's claw extract inhibit the proliferation of bacteria such as staphylococci. In this way, they help us to avoid infections.

Now you know what cat's claw is and you know all the benefits that Uncaria tomentosa extract can bring you. This Amazonian plant can be really beneficial if you incorporate it into your diet, so do not hesitate to try it. At Qomer you will find organic or conventional cat's claw extract. Available in packs of 1, 5, 10 or 25 kilograms and with a minimum order of 25 kg.


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